"These works hail from the depths of the electronic realm. At their core, they are algorithmically structured and unfold along the coordinates of the abstract. Chance plays an important role here. The process of creating often leads to dimensions of the unforeseeable. While in a previous series of works Simone Carneiro took the error in the course of producing 3D prints as her starting point, now processes of mass communication on the internet generate the framework conditions. On the basis of the most asked questions sent out by users into the echo chambers of the internet, she sets a game in motion where linguistically determined strings are translated to the level of pictorial structures and digital works are transposed to the level of drawing, object and lithography”. Text extract by Roland Schöny

How to become famous? 2020
Mixed media

Where is the love? 2020
Mixed media

Photo by: Marija Jociūtė
How to become a billionaire? 2020
3D print

Photo by: Marija Jociūtė
How to get away with murder? 2020
3D print